
Our Local Trades & Service Providers

We work with quality, local service providers

We are proud supporters of other genuine local businesses working in our region.

Below is a list of some local providers that we have been made aware of.

Do you believe in delivering great service?

We are always keen to work with other great local businesses to support our tenants & owners. If you would like to work with us, get in touch with us to introduce your services.

Terri Scheer Landlord Insurance provides a referral benefit to Collins Gregory Real Estate of $22 for each new landlord insurance policy and $12.50 for each associated policy renewal.

Our landlords are under no obligation to utilise the services of Terri Scheer and are it is recommended that you seek out multiple policy options and make an informed decision with appropriate, professional advice. 

Collins Gregory Real Estate may receive a benefit of approximately $20 – $30 where a tenant decides to utilise the easy connection services of Direct Connect. 

Our tenants/landlords are under no obligation to utilise the services of Direct Connect and it is recommended that you seek out multiple options and make an informed decision with appropriate, professional advice. 

This disclosure is made in the interests of providing transparency to all parties.

Collins Gregory Real Estate Pty Ltd, and its employees, do not receive any commissions, referral fees or discounts for work provided to or by any of the agency’s preferred suppliers listed in the above table. 

All clients, including landlords and tenants, are under no obligation to utilise the services of any of the noted suppliers and are encouraged to seek out multiple options for consideration and comparison.